

A Config Manager written for Typescript and Javascript

Kusama Identity Registrar #1 - Why and How?

The process used by Registrar #1

SRTOOL now showing Substrate proposal hashes

Substrate WASM Runtime blob builder & verification now with offline Proposal Hash calculation

Brave Crypto Wallet powered by Metamask

A surprising approach aimed at helping adoption

The Brave browser and what you missed

Google Chrome needs no introduction and most people who visited an internet page within the last 5 years likely used Chrome or one of the Chromium based browsers. Figure 1. Chrome Market Share since 2013 Chrome is the browser developed and maintained by Google and it is a great browser. Chrome brought speed to the internet, a fast and slick interface, themes, extensions, excellent Javascript support, great tools for developers.

Introducing the Substrate Runtime Toolbox (SRTOOL)

SRTOOL: Substrate Runtime Toolbox - A Substrate WASM Runtime blob docker image used for building and verifying Substrate and Polkadot runtimes

Docker Image for Polkadot

A Docker image allowing user running & building a Polkadot node without any Rust environment installed locally on their machine.


Syncing of multiple Ethereum nodes, including multiple clients such as partity and geth.

Solidity Snippets

EthereumSoliditySnippets is a set of SublimeText snippets for the Ethereum Solidity contract language.

Generator EthApp

This project is all about getting started quickly. Running this generator will build a simple dapp for Ethereum.


In a recent post , Vitalik Buterin mentioned the need to ‘split’ Ether funds in order to prevent replay attacks and pointed to a splitter contract. While this splitter contract has been verified and works fine, it leaves room for user errors as some unfortunately discovered by loosing some of their funds. I feel very sorry for the users who ran into this issue and I decided to improve the existing solution.

Ethereum Chocolatey

Chocolatey package for Ethereum. This allows (un)installing the client on windows as you would with homebrew or apt-get.