
Wilfried Kopp aka. Chevdor

Building Blockchains & Decentralized Solutions


Dipl. Eng. in Image & Signal Processing from Polytech Grenoble, Wilfried Kopp works on Blockchain & Decentralization since 2012. He has been working and evaluating several Blockchains and Decentralized Solutions including Bitcoin, Ethereum, NXT, Hyperledger, Corda. He deployed Smart Contracts handling high volumes of transactions. He is now focusing on interopability and onchain governance with Polkadot and Substrate.




Minikube Proxy

A Docker Image to proxy the Minikube API Server. It allows you reaching the minikube API server running on a remote machine using kubectl from your local machine.


A Substrate runtime blob generator and verifier.


A configuration manager for NodeJS. It is written in Typescript and thus supports Typescript as well as Javascript.


A Rust utility that produces hashes for Substrate. It is used by srtool.


Keeping an eye on the Polkadot network with Polkabot. Polkabot sends network alerts related to the Polkadot network.

Docker Image for Polkadot

A Docker image allowing user running & building a Polkadot node without any Rust environment installed locally on their machine.


Syncing of multiple Ethereum nodes, including multiple clients such as partity and geth.

Solidity Snippets

EthereumSoliditySnippets is a set of SublimeText snippets for the Ethereum Solidity contract language.

Generator EthApp

This project is all about getting started quickly. Running this generator will build a simple dapp for Ethereum.

Ethereum Chocolatey

Chocolatey package for Ethereum. This allows (un)installing the client on windows as you would with homebrew or apt-get.


Extra frequencies for your Motorola XT series

Extra frequencies for your Motorola XT series radios

ICOM ID-51 home-made Data cable

The official cables are expensive and mysterious blackboxes. Let’s create our own ICOM data cable for a few bucks and learn how it works.

Matching Baofeng and Motoroal DCS/CTCSS privacy codes on PMR 446

While all PMR 446 radios are supposed should be working together seemlessly, it requires some matching for Motorola and Baofeng radios to work together. Let’s see how to do it easily

From Docker to Kubernetes using Minikube remotely

From Docker to Kubernetes using Minikube with remote API access.

Play with Rust easily

Unlike intepreted languages, Rust requires a bit of scaffholding before you can compile and run some code. This article show a few other options to play, experiment and learn more about Rust